RACE in Joure, 8/9-June 2013

And another tough race day in Joure: Finishing only 15th overall after another 1st lap incident in race one. Still 6th in championship!

When does the bad luck streak end? This time a tight qualifying, ending in 9th position on the grid. The start went reasonably well, then a guy fell right in front of me in lap one at the entry of the offroad. I could steer around him, actually gaining position, then someone rode over my right foot, neding the ankle and knee terribly. I made a weird sound in the knee and hurt a lot! I was convinced something broke there, so I slowed down and let everyone by. It hurt quite a lot but did not feel like something tore, so I started picking up speed again and  and applying pressure on the right foot. It hurt but seemed to work, so I decided to continue the race - dead last of course, like 30 seconds behind the field... I managed to still finish 18th.

The second race was one day later on Sunday and after checking my condition in the morning, I decided to give it a try and race. It was still painful but worked reasonably well. I managed to finish 14th coming from 18th starting position and I am quite ok with the result considering the pain and circumstances. But overall of course not what I was looking for before the weekend... let's also leave this race behind now and look forward to the next one.